Allegheny Serviceberry (Amelanchier laevis)


Serviceberry is an all-around great plant to have in the landscape. It blooms early and attracts large numbers of native bees ( It is also the host for 115 species of butterflies and moths in our area, including the beautiful Red-spotted PurpleEastern Tiger Swallowtail ( and the threatened Canadian giant moth (! If that were not enough, the berries are loved by many birds (Bird Table). The berries are also edible to humans if you can get them before the birds.

Photo credit: Mostlydross (1), John Blair (2-3)

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Life Cycle: Perennial 

Sun Exposure: Full, Partial

Soil Moisture: Medium-wet, Medium-dry, Dry

Height: 15 to 25 feet

Plant Spacing:  5-10 feet

Bloom Time: April-May

Bloom Color: White

Advantages: Caterpillar Favorite, Pollinator Favorite, Bird Favorite, Great Landscaping Plant

Host: Red-Spotted Purple, Eastern Tiger Swallowtail 113 other species of butterflies and moths use this as a caterpillar host plant in our area (

Beneficial for Endangered or Threatened Species: Canadian giant moth (Andropolia contacta) (

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